Congratulations to Gregory Brooks for successfully defending his PhD dissertation!
A big congratulations goes out to Greg Brooks, who successfully defended his dissertation in August 2024! The Lab celebrated at the Grad Club to recognize Greg’s many years of hard work and dedication.

Köhler Lab Outing Summer 2024
What better way to spend the last bit of summer than to visit a provincial park? With plenty of kayaking, lounging on the beach, and good food, the Köhler Lab spent the day soaking up the sun at the Pinery!

Congrats! Rachel Sargeson successfully defended her Master’s Thesis this past week!
The Köhler Lab celebrated Rachel Sargeson’s successful Master’s Thesis defense with a well-deserved post-exam outing to the Grad Club at Western University. Congratulations Rachel!

Köhler Lab Outing Summer 2023
The Köhler Lab took their mini-golfing skills to the test at the London Tin Cup Golfing Range during a summer outing. They also welcomed the Lego figure as their temporary newest lab member!

Köhler Lab During the Pandemic- Spring 2020
Hanging out during the pandemic in a lab that currently stretches out from Toronto, Ontario to Whitehorse, Yukon!
Köhler Lab Outing Winter 2019
Köhler Labs recently went on a Winter lab outing on Dec. 9 to Palasad Socialbowl bowling alley! Köhler labs have some skilled players bowling consistent strikes and spares! It was a great lab social with good food and drinks!

Köhler Labs Summer Outing 2019
The most recent Köhler labs outing was to the beautiful Pinery Provincial Park by the shores of Lake Huron on August 29. The members enjoyed a nice day out canoeing, biking and ended the day with a potluck picnic.

Dr. Köhler at Dr. Brenda Milner’s 100th Birthday Party
On July 15th, 2018, this past weekend, Dr. Köhler had the privilege to attend Dr. Brenda Milner’s 100th birthday party in Montreal. Below is a image of Dr. Köhler posing with Dr. Morris Moscovitch (his former Ph.D. advisor) and Dr. Brenda Milner.
Farewell, Anna Blumenthal
Anna Blumenthal, a PhD candidate under Dr. Stefan Köhler, has graduated from Köhler Labs. She has accepted and started a position as a postdoctoral fellow at Dr. Meg Schlichting’s Memory and Development lab, Budding Minds, at the University of Toronto. Köhler Labs thanks her for all her hard work and dedication. Good luck in your future endeavours Anna!